Dr Federico Barbacovi
Federico is a Senior Researcher in the R&D Innovation Programme at nChain. Since joining nChain, building on top of his mathematical background, he has investigated various areas of research related to blockchain technology, such as signature schemes, Bitcoin script development, and zero-knowledge proofs. Federico is an avid learner and is always looking for a new topic to study. He is very excited to have the possibility of contributing to the development and adoption of blockchain technology by working at nChain. Federico holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Mathematics from La Sapienza, University of Rome, and a PhD in Mathematics from University College London.

Dr Federico Barbacovi
Senior Researcher
''In the R&D team, we study and research blockchain technology with the aim of developing innovative solutions with a wide range of applications. We strive to answer the question: what can we achieve by leveraging immutability, resilience and timestamps?''
Explore Federico’s research
Practical Implementation of Pairing-Based zkSNARK in Bitcoin Script
Federico Barbacovi, Enrique Larraia, Paul Germouty, and Wei Zhang
Flop-flop autoequivalences and compositions of spherical twists
Federico Barbacovi
On the composition of two spherical twists
Federico Barbacovi
Entropy of the composition of two spherical twists
Federico Barbacovi, Jongmyeong Kim
On Gromov-Yomdin type theorems and a categorical interpretation of holomorphicity
Federico Barbacovi, Jongmyeong Kim
Serre functors of residual categories via hybrid models
Federico Barbacovi, Ed Segal
Spherical twists, relations and the center of autoequivalence groups of K3 surfaces
Federico Barbacovi, Kohei Kikuta